لماذا تحتاج إلى مخلص المعاملات الحكومية في قطر؟

Starting your own business in Qatar or opening a shop in Doha might be ambitious and overwhelming choices. Conducting business abroad can be challenging if you don’t know the local laws and customs, especially if you’re moving your company or expanding your organization. Hence, the need for an end-to-end PRO service provider. Every company in Qatar, regardless of size, needs a trustworthy, devoted, and effective public relations officer who stays current with all new rules and regulations.

RCH is committed to providing distinctive professional solutions that will satisfy the demands of your business and complete the challenging tasks of official government paperwork and legal proceedings for you. No matter the scale of the project, get RCH support.

ما هي خدمات تخليص المعاملات الحكومية؟

In Qatar, companies employ the services of Public Relations Officers (PROs) or known as Mandoob, to handle all government interactions and paperwork. PROs are responsible to ensure your employees get their visas in time, that you have the required permits and certifications, and that all aspects of your business are in line with local governmental requirements and fully compliant with the local law. Outsourcing PRO services can be advantageous for both new and established companies, allowing them to concentrate on their core activities and increase production and profitability.

دلاً من تعيين فريق موظفي العلاقات العامة الداخلي الخاص بك، والذي سيتطلب الكثير من النفقات العامة وسيوفر الحد الأدنى من الدعم، يمكنك توظيف خدمات بيت استشاري مثلنا والاستفادة من الوصول إلى العديد من مكاتب الاستشارة المتخصصة التي يمكنها تمثيل اهتماماتك في وقت واحد.وذلك عبر هيئات حكومية متعددة.

Officially accredited by the Ministry of Interior, RCH provide services on a monthly contractual basis or based on a per-job-done price list, depending on your needs.

بعض الوزارات والمجالات التي يمكننا تمثيلك فيها:

ما هي مسؤوليات مندوب تخليص المعاملات الحكومية؟

PRO responsibilities in Qatar include managing government-related tasks such as visa processing, document attestation, and obtaining necessary approvals. They help streamline administrative processes for businesses.

بشكل عام ، المندوب هو ضابط ارتباط حكومي ، وغالبًا ما تشمل واجباته ما يلي:

  • Handling visa applications for foreign workers, including renewals and cancellations, and coordinating with the immigration office.
  • تقديم طلبات التراخيص.
  • التأكيد على أن العمل يتوافق مع قانون الشركات التجارية القطري وقانون العمل القطري.
  • مواكبة جميع القوانين واللوائح من الحكومة.
  • استكمال تجديد الرخص التجارية والسجلات التجارية.

ما هي المهارات التي يمتلكها المحترف؟

A PRO in Qatar typically possesses strong organizational and communication skills, as they need to coordinate with government departments and clients. They should have knowledge of local regulations and procedures, attention to detail, and the ability to handle paperwork efficiently. Additionally, proficiency in Arabic and English languages is beneficial for effective communication.

  • In-depth knowledge of, and experience with, dealing with local government departments.
  • Comprehensive understanding of Qatari corporate, immigration, labor, and other laws in practice.
  • Proficiency in Arabic and English writing and speaking, as well as the collecting and preparation of due diligence as required by local regulatory bodies.
  • Knowledge of government e-services.
  • Local driving license.

Qatar has experienced tremendous growth, making regular changes to the legal and economic systems for business normal. It is necessary for a corporate enterprise or an individual entrepreneur to deal with numerous governmental departments. RCH PRO services can help you through all the requirements concerning these authorities.